Nipper Surf Sports Development Carnival U9-U11 Results
This non-LSV event was run to provide the sole opportunity for U9-U11s to compete this season, and as such was an unofficial state championship. We had 11 competitors competing. Please find the offical results listed below: Gold Medals - Byron Morgan -U9 Board
- Summer Morgan -U11 Swim - Summer Morgan -U11 Board - Summer Morgan -U11 Iron - Stella Khalil, Maddie Crozier, Kate Taylor -U9 Board Relay - Stella Khalil, Zoe Hume, Maddie Crozier, Kate Taylor -U9 Aqua Cameron - Byron Morgan and composite team -U9 Aqua Cameron - Summer Morgan and composite team -U11 Aqua Cameron & Board Relay Bronze Medals - Byron Morgan and composite team -U9 Board Relay Fourth Place - Elosie Spinks, Mary- Jane Gilbert, Kate Taylor -U10 Board Relay

Well done to all competitors, parents, officials and coaches!