The Kiosk Main Beach
Summer is just around the corner and Anglesea SLSC is excited to announce the imminent opening of the club’s COVID-safe and flexible...

Patrol registration Season 20/21
Active members are encouraged to sign up for patrol which commences on Saturday 28/11. Members must sign up through TeamApp - securing...

Working Bee
Join the fun to put the finishing touches on the clubhouse Sunday 29 Nov 2020 09:00 - 12:00 noon If you are keen to assist - please...

Skills Maintenance
It's that time of the year again - SUMMER, XMAS SHOPPING and most importantly SKILLS MAINTENANCE (Requal) Check out the available dates...

Vale Bill James
It is with considerable sadness that we share the news of the passing of Bill ‘Gunna’ James on 18th November 2020. Bill was a life...

Social Passes
Want to enjoy the beach, socialise with friends upstairs whilst taking in the spectacular views and gain access to discounts in our new...

Tour the new clubhouse!
Want to check out the clubhouse book into a 30 minute tour to have a look around. Pre-registrations are required and you can follow the...

Summer Bar Manager
The ASLSC is seeking expressions of interest for the position of CASUAL BAR MANAGER to assist in bringing the club’s exciting, new...

Jimpy's Bar
After many months of construction, the finishing touches are now being applied at the facility, which is on track to be handed over to...

Skills Maintenance (requalification)
It's that time of year!! Members are encouraged to sign up to complete their Skills Maintenance ( Requalification) Two sessions will be...

Season 20/21 Nipper Registrations are OPEN!! Check your emails for some information from Big Nipper and remember to complete your...

GYM Equipment!
Attention all GYM lovers…. Several members have been looking after club equipment while the Building Redevelopment program has been in...