New Life Member - Ingilby Dickson

Congratulations to Ingilby Dickson on being awarded Life Membership for his continued dedication to the Anglesea SLSC and also on being awarded the inaugural Youth Development Award along with Janet Jones for 10 years of distinguished and continuous service to Youth Development. Janet's daughters Felicity and Lucy were present to accept the award for Janet who dedicated 10 years of service to Starfish Nippers. Ingilby has spent 10 years developing Nippers into lifesavers via SRC.
Ingilby has been a key figure in the evolution and development of our club since 2003. His involvement in and co-ordination of the SRC program over the past 15 years has ensured that that program, which is instrumental in taking young members from Nippers to active involvement, effectively meets its objectives.
After serving on the committee in 2008/2009 Ingilby was elected as the Director Administration in 2009, a position he held for 8 years until May 2017. During this time he was responsible for a number of major innovations including negotiating the contracts to operate the café which did much to raise the profile of the club outside the immediate lifesaving community.
Throughout his time as Director Administration he was responsible for editing the ASLSC Annual Report and adopting the format the club continues to use.
In 2017 he stood down in order to take on the role of Fundraising Chair for the redevelopment. Through his outstanding efforts in this position Ingiby is almost singly responsible for raising around $2.4Million and has been key in engaging with a wide range of members and club supporters to help deliver the development.

Ingilby continues to patrol and has averaged around 30 hours per season since joining Anglesea and has been a patrol mentor since 2015. He is also a keen Masters competitor and has won numerous medals at LSV, SLSA and ILS Masters Titles since 2004.
Since joining Anglesea Ingilby has had a continuous role in the delivery of the Rock2Ramp Swim and was a member of the organising committee from 2009 through until 2017. In particular he took on responsibility for organising the “Gary Johnson Marquee” which has proved a great success in supporting and acknowledging the swims naming rights sponsor.
In 2016/17 Ingilby was awarded the ASLSC Margaret Marsh – Best Club Person award jointly with Chris Foley.
In the Anglesea Constitution Distinguished Service is classified as “Service with ASLSC over a long period of time that is considered significantly over and above the level of service that would normally be expected, or asked, of a member.” Ingilby Dickson has clearly provided distinguished service in the areas of Patrols, Member Development, Club Administration/Fundraising and in representing the clubs development objectives.