Midsumma Pride March!
A reminder for this weekend’s Midsumma Pride March, which takes place this Sunday 2rd February 2020 at 11am.
Pride March is always a fun day, where LSV and our members will march as part of the Emergency Management Victoria wave with the other agencies to celebrate inclusion and show our support and celebrate our LGBTIQA+ colleagues, members and community.
Attendance has built each year and if you would like to register follow the link below.
Registration link
LSV is seeking volunteers who are interested in joining in this unique opportunity, which includes the chance to meet and network with other emergency services representatives from the Police, State Emergency Service, Country Fire Authority (CFA), Forest Fire Management Victoria, Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Brigade, Ambulance Victoria, St John’s Ambulance, Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority and Emergency Management Victoria who will all form part of next year’s Emergency Management wave during the Pride March parade.
Join the spectacular act of unity that is Midsumma Pride March – everyone is welcome!
The Emergency Management Pride Network welcomes all members and friends of emergency management organisations to participate in the Pride March and walk together.
The March starts at 11am from Ian Johnson Oval, Lakeside Drive St Kilda.
The March proceeds down Fitzroy Street and ends in Catani Gardens, St Kilda. For more information about the parade go to –https://www.midsumma.org.au/info/midsumma-pride-march/
An informal brunch will be held at 9.30am – 10.30 at the Alex Theatre, 1/135 Fitzroy St, St Kilda and walk (approx. 13 minutes) to the meeting point
Full details will be provided on sign-up!
Please see below statement as endorsed by the Emergency Management Leadership Group
Emergency Management Pride Network – Leadership Statement
Everyone is welcome
Be yourself – we like it that way.
The Victorian Emergency Management Sector’s commitment to inclusion of the LGBTIQ community drives us forward every day.
We encourage all of our people to be exactly who or what they want to be. We welcome difference. Our people are comfortable bringing their authentic whole selves to work.
Equality is not just the right thing to do – it’s the smart thing to do.
Diversity. Inclusion. Pride. Equality. They’re more than just words for us. They’re the principles guiding how we build our teams, cultivate our leaders and create a sector that’s the right fit for every person inside of it.
We’re building a sector where difference is valued and celebrated. You must feel included and valued to be engaged. Our people thrive when we get this right.
The Emergency Management Pride Network is working to create a more inclusive and collaborative sector – and we stand with them.
Diversity is our future – be a part of it.