Calling ALL MEMBERS! ASLSC senior carnival & Annual Door Knock!
THANK YOU to all the members who have volunteered their time over the last few days. We appreciate your efforts and the club could not exist without your help. You are the backbone, heart beat and arms and legs of the club!!
We need more volunteers to assist with the ASLSC carnival which as you are hopefully aware is on this Sunday January 5th. LSV run the carnival but as the host club we need to provide support with set up and pack up.
Set up is from 6am Sunday morning and if you can assist please meet at the River mouth end of the beach. We need approximately 10 people.
Pack up is from approximately 2.30pm and we need a similar number of people and if you can gather in the same area please.
Thank you in advance.
More details to come re the Door Knock which is a super important fundraiser for the club and requires attention from all members. As you would know we are running it slightly differently this year to assist members with getting involved.
You can pre select an area and pick up a bag from the office during the day 11.30am - 12.30pm and complete the door knock at your preferred time OR you can get involved in the traditional Saturday night door knock from 6pm - 9pm with our base at the RSL - which is 30 Murray Street.
For more information and to sign up follow this link
PLEASE get involved - we need all members involved and it is a fun night and also a super easy way to do your bit!