2019 Bronze Camp - New Member Applications

We are now pleased to be able to offer to new members or existing members who do not hold their Surf Rescue Certificate the opportunity to gain their Bronze Medallion.
New members will undertake a Bronze Induction program prior to the Bronze Camp so that they arrive with skills and understanding that are similar to those of existing members.
Specific details about the Bronze Medallion program can be found here
Induction Program: (must be able to attend all three sessions)
Sunday 8th December – 9am - 4pm – Anglesea Main Beach
Tuesday 10th December – 5pm – 7:30pm – LSV, Port Melbourne (TBC) or Anglesea*
Thursday 12th December – 5pm – 7:30pm – LSV, Port Melbourne (TBC) or Anglesea*
(***candidates must be able to attend all three session to meet minimum hours for training)
Bronze Camp (must be able to attend the entire camp)
When: Sunday 15th – Tuesday 17th December 2019
Where: Camp Wilken and Anglesea Main Beach
For new members the combined cost for the Induction Program and Bronze Camp is; $450
4.5 days of training and assessment for the Bronze Medallion qualification
2 nights accommodation at Camp Wilken
All meals across the three days and lunch during the Induction program
Access to all training resources and equipment
Pocket mask to keep
Hi-vis rashie to keep
SLSA Training Manual
Patrol Gear inc Red & Yellow cap
Upon successfully gaining their Bronze Medallion members will be allocated to one of the Anglesea Surf Rescue teams and will be expected to complete 16hrs of patrol between Christmas and the end of the patrol season.
Bronze Medallion holders will also be supported to become involved in Surf Sports competition, undertake further training, assist with instruction or other members and look to involve themselves in all aspects of Club life
Bronze Medallion Registration Process:
1. Discuss with your family your reasons for attaining your Bronze Medallion and the requirement to being an Active Patrolling member of Anglesea Surf Life Saving Club.
2. Lodge an application to become a member of ASLSC
3. All candidates need to have completed a 400m swim in under 9 minutes before applying for the Bronze Medallion course. Download Timed Swim Confirmation Form and complete the swim as this will need to be lodged prior to registering for the camp
4. Register for the Induction Program and Bronze Camp via the ASLSC Website