Volunteer training changes!

LSV has recently advised clubs of changes to Volunteer training that are currently being implemented. Many of these are technical in nature and for many members there will be no discernible change.
However, there are some more significant changes and members and the Club need to prepare for the 2019/2020 season appropriately.
Advanced Resuscitation Techniques
This award will be managed as a three yearly qualification reaccreditation (similar to First Aid), rather than a component of the annual skills maintenance process
Reaccreditation requires that members complete the full course every three years
Action: all ART holders who wish to remain proficient for the 2019/2020 season and beyond will need to complete an ART course prior to 31/12/2019
Resuscitation (CPR) (HLTAID001)
HLTAID001 Provide Cardiopulmonary unit of competency can be attained as part of the following Awards;
Resuscitation (CPR)
Surf Rescue Certificate
Bronze Medallion
First Aid
Advanced Resuscitation Techniques
For this qualification to remain current the entire course must be completed annually
The CPR component of the Bronze Medallion Skills Maintenance (Requal)does notresult in reaccreditation
All Trainers and Assessors are required to hold HLTAID001 prior to engaging in training and assessment activities
HLTAID001 is often required in workplace settings and members should be check that they are appropriately accredited for these purposes
HLTAID001 can be reaccredited by either completing a CPR, First Aid or ART course
Action: all Trainers and Assessors and anyone who requires a Resuscitation qualification for work purposes should complete an appropriate course prior to 31/12/2019
Spinal Management
The Spinal Management Certificate has been removed as an award by the SLSA Education Advisory Committee and Education Management Committee. This change reduces the pre-requisite requirements for some course and increases the importance of spinal management treatment principles being taught in the First Aid course.
Training Opportunities - LSV
Given the increased training requirements of the above changes LSV are running a number of courses in the winter period (commencing with ART on 13thJuly).
Details of these can be found at
Registration for all of these courses can be completed via;
Training opportunities – ASLSC
We will be looking to run a number of courses at Anglesea to ensure that all members are appropriately qualified but in the absence of a clubhouse I would strongly encourage all members to look to complete the relevant course through LSV where possible.
All members are encouraged to review their current and lapsed awards via the Surf Life Saving Australia –Members Portal and to then make arrangements to complete the relevant courses.
If you have question in regards to this contact the Volunteer Training team at LSV on volunteertraining@lsv.com.au or
Matt Taylor, Director of Member Development on