Important Changes - Patrol Sign Up

This season has seen the introduction of electronic patrol signup.
The uptake of this resource has been fantastic with every patrol from the beginning of December to the end of January being booked out. This is an increase in member participation from previous years that saw only boxing day until the first week of January being full patrols.
Please don’t forget that we will continue to patrol Anglesea main beach right up until the end of Easter school holidays.
Please see the attached Patrol calendar for dates, times and the patrol captain leading each day.
If you would like to guarantee a place in an upcoming patrol please visit the patrol registration page. A password is required and has been emailed to all active members using your email address recorded in your account on the SLS Members Portal.
Please follow these protocols when registering:
1) Places on patrol are limited so please only sign up for yourself.
2) If you can't make a patrol you have signed up for, please cancel your reservation.
3) If you can't reserve a spot on a patrol you can still show up in person and if numbers allow, the Captains will welcome your services.
4) We ask all members to patrol a minimum of 3 hours including a set up or pack up.