DoorKnock 2023
Saturday December 30th
Each year the local community and holiday visitors contribute over $30,000 to the clubs operational budget via the DoorKnock and this year we hope is no different.
The success of the DoorKnock is due to the commitment of those members who collect and this year we are giving you the opportunity to pre-select your areas and collect the DoorKnock bags in the days before Saturday the 30th.
To pre-select your area go to where you can view the various collection areas and then download and fill in your details using Google Docs.
Alternatively you can send an email to specifying:
The area you wish to collect from
Your name, mobile number and email
When you wish to pick up you bag.
The pick up options are:
· From the club - Thursday 7th, Friday 8th, or Saturday 9th between 11:30 and 12:30; or
· From the club on Saturday 9th from 6pm and to be returned that night by 9pm.
Return of Bags
All bags are to be returned to the club office at the above times (11:30 to 12:30) no later than Tuesday 12th January.
Or you can also make a donation via cheque, making it payable to:
Anglesea SLSC Inc
Please return to:
Anglesea Surf Life Saving Club
PO Box 87
Anglesea, VIC, 3230
All donations over $2 to Anglesea SLSC are tax deductible.